Sunday, March 21, 2010

Here is a quick update on what our family has been doing lately.

Bradan is:

  • crawling all over the place and is into everything. His newest place is crawl into the bathroom.
  • pulling himself up but is not standing by himself or taking steps yet.
  • eating great when he gets to feed himself. He will shake his head no if I try to feed him but if I put the spoon down on his tray, he picks it up and feeds himself.
  • such a happy boy who loves to interact with mommy, daddy and Shelby. He does have stranger anxiety.
  • sleeping from about 7 at night to 6 in the morning and takes cat naps throughout the day.
  • playing with trucks and pound away on Shelby's keyboard.
  • clapping and wave bye bye.
  • has four teeth and is biting.

Shelby is:

  • writing her own name and learning to write all the other letters.
  • asking lots of questions. I asked her one day why she asks so many questions and she replied "Because I want to talk to you". Such a sweet girl.
  • always pushing the rules. She told Stu and I the other day that she wants to have her Grandmas and Grandpas make her rules.
  • still loves the Disney princesses and Spiderman. We bought Princess and the Frog last week which she has watched at least 3 times.
  • ready to turn 4. She keeps asking when her birthday is.
  • putting together puzzles and playing lots of pretend with her dolls and dress up clothes.
  • in swimming and dance lessons. Both of which she enjoys.
  • excited to see her grandparents, aunts and uncles in two weeks.

Stuart is currently in New Hampshire for two weeks at a conference for work. The day after he gets back, the kids and I will be heading to Kansas for spring break.