He weighs 18 pounds 7 ounces. Dr. Cogley wrote that he was a normal healthy six month old.
Though we couldn't imagine life without him, it is hard to believe time has gone so fast.
As a six month old, Bradan is:
Eating food in his highchair
Sitting in the big tub
And still letting his mommy give his kisses. For now.
B is also playing with toys and putting anything he can get his hands on in his mouth. He still thinks his sister is the greatest thing on earth and Shelby is enjoying her little brother growing up. Stu says he is also blowing raspberries but I haven't seen one yet. His favorite toy is his stationary jumper and he is starting to get anxiety whenever he can't see mom, dad or sister. Any day now I expected a tooth to pop through and hopefully I am not jinxing it by adding that he has been sleeping through the night for the last week.